Sierra Club endorses Obama

Sierra Club Statement of endorsement:

Simply put, it’s because we believe Obama shares our concerns, values and vision for a clean energy future. He agrees with us that it’s not time for half steps; that what America needs is bold, transformational action that will break the chokehold Big Oil has on our economy and Washington politics, provide short-term relief for American families and long-term solutions for our energy and economy problems.

Highlights of Obama’s Energy strategy include:

Providing Relief for families struggling to pay their energy bills. His plan is to provide families with a $1,000 tax credit and stimulus checks paid for by taxing the oil companies’ record profits.

Investing $150 billion over the next ten years in alternative sources of energy — wind and solar power, and advanced biofuels, in the commercialization of plug-in hybrid cars, and development a new digital electricity grid. This investment will create up to 5,000,000 good-paying jobs that cannot be outsourced and will create the billions in new economic activity that will America back on the path to prosperity.

Requiring 25% of U.S. electricity to come from renewable sources by 2025 and increases energy efficiency in the U.S. 50% by 2030.

Attacking global warming. Obama has presented a bold and comprehensive plan for addressing global warming which includes a “cap and auction” system that would cut our carbon dioxide emissions 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050.

Rejecting drilling as the answer to our energy woes. Obama knows that drilling off of our beaches and destroying our last special places like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in order to pad Big Oil’s bottom line won’t do anything to lower gas prices today, tomorrow, or even a decade from now

To learn more about Senator Obama’s Energy Plan, go to

One Response to “Sierra Club endorses Obama”

  1. admin Says:

    McCain is no friend of the environment!

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