60 Democrat Seat in the Senate? -maybe-

A filibuster proof majority in the Senate is an outside possibility given the mood of the electorate. Only a meager 22% approve the the direction of the country. Among Independents, the key to winning the White House and Senate seats, a dismal 11% think the country is on the right track. Among voting age Americans, 52% now self identify as Democrats, as opposed to 35% who cling to the dark-side.

And then there’s the math. Republicans have to defend 23 Senate seats, five of those seats are left open by retirement. Of the 23 Republican Senate seats up for re-election 6 to 9 are considered vulnerable, Democrats only have to defend 12 seats with none in real danger of defeat.

In this years primaries and caucus’, Democrats have turned out 28.5 million voters. Republicans have only managed to turn out 17.3 million voters thus far.

The Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committe has over $30 million on hand. The National Republican Senatorial Committee has roughly $13 million in the bank.

With the most favorable political winds at our backs in 70 years, with the exictement, energy, and the engagement of young and first time voters generated by the candidacy of Senator Barack Obama and the historic candidacy of Senator Clinton we stand poised to reset the FDR coalition.

If only we avoid a bitter, and divisive end game in the presidential primary. If only we avoid snatching defeat from the jaws of victory once again.

We can only hope.

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