PRESS RELEASE: Democratic Talk Radio: Hero & Villain of 2007

PRESS RELEASE: Democratic Talk Radio: Hero & Villain of 2007

Democratic Talk Radio announces their annual Hero & Villain of the Year Award for 2007. Former Senator John Edwards was selected as the winner of the Hero Award for standing against excessive corporate influence in American politics and government. President George W. Bush was selected as the 2007 Villain of the Year for using his veto power as President to thwart the will of the American people on issues ranging from ending the Iraq occupation to providing for the healthcare needs of American children.

“These two important political figures stand at polar opposites when it comes to corporate control over the everyday lives of American citizens,” stated co-host Stephen Crockett. “Edwards speaks about giving the power over government back to the average guy. Bush is all about serving the international corporations and preserving the nearly absolute control exercised by the wealthiest of the Super Wealthy over the political agenda in America. The difference is like day and night.”

Policy positions like civil liberties, free trade vs. fair trade, the Employee Free Choice Act, torturing prisoners, media consolidation, shifting the tax burden and universal healthcare were considered in making the DTR Hero and Villain Awards for 2007. The 2007 Awards were the first ones by Democratic Talk Radio where the same set of policy issues were used to select both the Hero and Villain of the Year.

Democratic Talk Radio can be found on the Internet at They can be reached by mail at: P.O. Box 283, Earleville, Maryland 21919 and by phone at 443-907-2367.

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