EATING OUR OWN FACE, -how to lose the White House yet again-
Saturday, March 15th, 2008The Democratic Party has lost 7 of the last 10 presidential elections, and is choosing the low ground once again on the next battle field. With the most favorable political winds at their backs in 70 years, they are poised to once again to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
If you think losing 7 of 10 presidential elections is pitiful, and it certainly is, consider the facts that Jimmy Carter eked out a victory based on the American public’s disgust with the criminal malfeasance of the Nixon administration, and that Bill Clinton twice rode into office enabled by the presence of Ross Perot on the ballot. Baring these strokes of dumb luck the Democratic Party could have easily been shut out of the White House for the last 40 years.