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Democratic Voices

January 24th, 2006

Republican Scandals Spell Democratic Victories

The spreading web of Republican law breaking has begun to influence various election races around the nation. If votes get counted properly in 2006, the Republican Party is in very serious trouble nationally. As Brad Friedman at Brad Blog and Mark Crispin Miller in his latest book, Fooled Again clearly reveal, honest elections in 2006 are not a forgone conclusion and fraud may save Republican rule. Regardless, Republican candidates are facing serious disapproval from voters around the nation.

Republican Congressman John Doolittle in California is now facing a stiff challenge from Democratic candidate and Iraqi War veteran Charles Brown. In Texas, Tom Delay is trailing his most likely Democratic candidate. Ohio Republican Congressman Robert Ney is in serious trouble but vowing to seek re-election. Ralph Reed has seen his election prospects in his bid to become Georgia’s Lt. Governor despite being the most prominent Republican leader in the state.

In Maine, US Senator Olympia Snowe has started to be weakened because she has not shown leadership in opposing the illegal wiretapping by the Bush White House or opposed the Supreme Court nominee Alito who may legalize lawbreaking by Bush and Cheney. Jean Hay Bright has been showing signs of seriously challenging the Maine Republican.

The scandals hurting these candidates are numerous and varied. The connections to and impacts on each race are all different. They are not the only serious corruption scandals or examples of Republican officeholders violating laws influencing the 2006 election outlook. Congressman “Duke” Cunningham in California and Ohio Governor Taft both are facing serious criminal charges.

Many other Republican officeholders from Congressman Jerry Lewis of California to Montana US Senator Conrad Burns to Alabama Governor Bob Riley seem to be very deeply implicated in or connected to the Abramhoff corruption scandals. The media has been trying to spin the Abramhoff as a bipartisan scandal but the reality is that Abramhoff was a very highly placed and extremely partisan Republican operative. Abramhoff had great influence in Republican circles and basically none among elected Democrats. His scam was a Republican operation in every important detail.

Abramhoff was closely connected to Bush and Cheney. His operation reached deeply into the Bush White House. He was no stranger to Pennsylvania Avenue during the time frame of the scandals. An independent Special Prosecutor seems to be called for to investigate ties between Abramhoff and official actions by the White House. An investigation in the Abramhoff operation concerning overseas American territories was stopped several years ago by a White House appointment.

Illegal wiretapping already has the Bush Republicans deeply worried. The Abramhoff scandal seems to be even more potentially damaging to Bush Republicans. It is important to note that the investigations of the outing of Valerie Palme as a covert CIA agent has not been completed. The possibilities of charges being filed against Karl Rove or Vice President Dick Cheney remain. Impeachment has become a mainstream political discussion not outside the realm of possibility in 2006 and 2007.

From state to state, election fraud issues are starting to take hold. The controversies range from Republican primaries in Arizona to the Presidential vote count in Alaska. Electronic voting machine issues are gaining attention. Citizens are demanding a look at the internal procedures and mechanics of the Republican connected voting machine companies like ES&S and Diebold. Every look at these issues seems to shown fraud, bias or incompetence that has been benefiting almost exclusively Bush Republican candidates.

All the trends in popular opinion seem to be pointing to strong gains for Democratic candidates in 2006. Combined with demographic changes, the Republican stranglehold on national political power will likely cease with the Fall elections.

Written By Stephen Crockett and Al Lawrence (hosts of ).
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