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Democratic Voices

January 2, 2005

Hero and Villain of Year-2004/ Ohio Electors

Our "Hero of the Year 2004" choice is Howard Dean. Dean was chosen because he brought energy and hope back to the grassroots of the Democratic Party. He advocated fiscally responsible government, opposed the insane Iraqi War, called for a return to locally controlled/owned media and championed citizen-run democracy. He is a true American hero!

Our "Villain of the Year 2004" choice is Ken Blackwell. Blackwell, as both Ohio Secretary of State and Bush campaign leader, represented in 2004 the darkest side of American politics. He has obstructed the right of Ohio (American) citizens to freely and fairly select their President by means of easily exercising their right to vote. Blackwell has obstructed by what DTR feels is abusing the power of his public office to keep citizens opposed to Bush Republicanism from registering to vote, from actually voting and from keeping their votes from being counted. His efforts to block a vote recount should be and may be serious crimes.

Ohio Electors Should Be Challenged By Democrats in Congress

Democratic Talk Radio is going to find it difficult, if not impossible, to support the reelection of any Democratic Congressman or Senator who fails to challenge the seating of the Ohio Electors in 2004 since they were selected before the recount was completed.

Written By Stephen Crockett and Al Lawrence (hosts of ).
Mail: 7A Planville Drive, Fayetteville, TN 37334.
Phone: 931-438-1500 or 443-421-0287.
Feel free to run as a Democratic Voices column, guest Editorial or Letter To The Editor.

Stephen Crockett
Al Lawrence
Co-hosts: “Current Affair” News Talk Program
WEKR 1240 am radio
(931) 433-3545

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