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July 21, 2003 A WEEK OF REPUBLICAN OUTRAGES What a week of exceptional Republican outrages most of which were barely reported in our Corporate media! Did you catch these stories? Millions of Americans lost their right to overtime pay thanks to the Bush Republicans. Large corporations will no longer have to pay overtime pay and these guys have really opened their checkbooks for the Bush Republican political machine. Bush has raised record amount of money in recent weeks from these guys. Basically, the 40 hour work week is dead for these workers thanks to campaign donations. Bill Thomas, a California Republican and Ways And Means Committee Chairman in Congress, called the police on Democratic leaders for the crime of meeting to discuss legislation they were suppose to vote on and had not been given time to read. The legislation was a pension bill that had huge new last minute additional expenditures among other changes. It would have increased the national debt and looked like a pay-off to Republican financial backers. The Democrats decided to meet to discuss the bill as their duty as elected officeholders required. Bill Thomas tried to stop them from meeting by calling in the Capitol Police. The Bill of Rights guarantees Freedom of Assembly for all Americans. Delay and the Bush Republicans pioneered the use of police powers to achieve strictly partisan, Republican political goals in Texas. They used both the Texas state police and the federal Homeland Security Office to try to force Texas Democratic state legislators to rubber stamp a Republican Congressional naked power grab! It appears that 6 Republican state Attorneys General have formed a ring to extort money from corporations facing possible lawsuits from the states they are suppose to represent. They claim it is legal campaign fundraising. Can we expect federal action from the Bush Administration under federal racketeering laws? Instead, the Bush Administration proposes to give the chief organizer of the ring, Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor, a life long appointment as a high ranking federal judge. Hundreds of thousands of college students had their financial aid cut this week as well. It was a busy week for the Bush Republicans. This column written by Stephen Crockett and Al Lawrence (hosts of Democratic Talk Radio). Confirmation of copy: call 931-438-1500 or write Democratic Talk Radio, 7A Planville Drive, Fayetteville, TN 37334. Sincerely, Stephen Crockett Al Lawrence Co-hosts: "Current Affair" News Talk Program WEKR 1240 am radio (931) 433-3545 |
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