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August 25, 2003 BUSH REPUBLICANISM and ALABAMA PROBLEMS The failures of Bush Republicanism at the national level are closely mirrored in the failure of leadership in the state of Alabama. The failures on both levels involve the Republican chief executives, Republican attorneys general and Republican judges in the highest courts. In Alabama, Governor Riley ran on a platform opposing “no bid” contracts going to political allies. He campaigned as an anti-tax candidate but now favors the largest tax increases in Alabama history that largely protects his financial backers and favors Corporate interests. He has vetoed a bill that would restore voting rights to citizens who have completed their criminal sentences. The “no bid” rewarding of government contracts to financial backers is Republican business as usual. The Bush Administration is using the “War on Terrorism” and the Invasion of Iraq to steer federal tax dollars into the bank accounts of campaign donors. This is often being hidden under a veil of secrecy. The tax policies of the Bush Administration seem to be designed solely to help the financial backers of Bush Republicanism. Using elected office to restrict the ability of citizens to vote because these citizens oppose Bush Republicanism is business as usual for Republicans. It demonstrates a partisan abuse of office that is reflected by actions of Republican officeholders in Florida, Texas, California, Colorado, etc. besides Alabama and the federal government. Lying to voters is a common trait of Bush Republicans. The Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor has organized with 5 other Republican state Attorneys General a fundraising scheme where they shakedown industries and businesses facing lawsuits from their state governments for Republican campaign funds. This is certainly unethical and corrupt. It should be and possibly is illegal. The federal Attorney General should be investigating and prosecuting (if required) these officeholders. Unfortunately, the federal Attorney General is John Ashcroft. He is instead using tax dollars to campaign for even more power to control dissent. Alabama Supreme Court Judge Roy Moore has used his office to force his religious view on all citizens of Alabama at great cost to the taxpayers. The Republican partisans on the US Supreme Court used their offices to overturn the will of the American voters and created all the problems noted above and much more. Will the citizens ever regain control of our government? Column written by Stephen Crockett and Al Lawrence (hosts of Democratic Talk Radio which is nationally syndicated on the ieAmerica Radio Network). You can hear them via the Internet several days a week from 2-4pm Central at http://www.ieAmericaRadio.com. You are invited to visit the Democratic Talk Radio site at DemocraticTalkRadio.com. They can be reached by mail at: 7A Planville Drive, Fayetteville, TN 37334. Reach DTR by phone at 931-438-1500 or 443-421-0287. Sincerely, Stephen Crockett Al Lawrence Co-hosts: “Current Affair” News Talk Program WEKR 1240 am radio (931) 433-3545 |
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