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War with Iraq
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Crockett  Moderator
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posts: 4267
since: 03-20-2001
1. War with Iraq
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This is a really bad "Wag the Dog" idea from Bush the Lessor. A war without international support that is not the immediate, direct result of Iraq aggression is morally and politically strong. It will not benefit American national interests in the short or long run. It will only benefit Big Oil who will get an excuse to price-gouge the American public and the huge defense contractors including the companies that back little Bush and include the senior Bush. The Bush family will benefit financially and their campaign donors will profit immensely. The American and Iraqi little people will suffer and die. We should not support any military action unless we were personally willing to die for that cause. Iraq is not such a case. The Republicans should not be willing to spend the lives of other Americans so easily!
2004 is coming.
Date: 07-31-2002 on 04:48 a.m.
Crockett  Moderator
in Moderator

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posts: 4267
since: 03-20-2001
2. Re:War with Iraq
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The arguments for attacking Saddam now are not logical. We do not know for sure if they have operational weapons of mass destruction. Saddam has as his highest priority maintaining power in Iraq. Using such weapons or providing them to terrorists would mean a full scale attack by Western and Arab nations to remove him from power. He would likely only use them to stay in power as a last resort. Attacking him now with the declared aim of removing him from power likely would trigger their use if they exist. Why does the Republican Party and Bush want to pursue such a counter-productive policy?
2004 is coming.
Date: 08-01-2002 on 01:53 a.m.
War with Iraq
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