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since: 05-08-2001
1. NY Times article
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First I must say thank you to whoever it was that told me about this site. It is nice that you don't have to put up with the GOP ditto heads who have to blow their nose just so they can speak, or attempt an intelligent thought. But I wanted to share something from the NYTimes (5/7) on how Europe really hates our guts (News Analysis: America the Ugly)....thanks to "His Fraudlence". It is absolutely discussting that someone would abandon environmental protocal that has been in place for several years. The Kyoto agreement comes to mind in this area. It is also discusting that "His Fraudlence" would get Moscow p o'd at us for stating a "go" for Nuke defense system. Other countries are ticked about this as well. Republicans just can't seem to get it out of their system to play bully to the rest of the world. I'm sure the Germans have a lot to say about "Bush" in their morning papers...stuff they can't print here. I won't go into what the French think about this adminastration. The story is written be Roger Cohen: News Analysis: To European eyes, Its America the Ugly. 5/7/01. Its online too. Actually, I should say Chenney is the one who is making the decisions for Jr.....nobody wants him to look more of a fool than he already is.
Date: 05-08-2001 on 04:19 a.m.
Crockett  Moderator
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since: 03-20-2001
2. Re:NY Times article
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These insights are revealing. I am in frequent contact with many Austrians. They simply cannot understand how a guy who gets less votes can gain public office. They do not understand why the public here is not protesting massively in the streets against our never- elected Resident! I am having the same trouble understanding the public lack of outrage. In the Democratic Party, the outrage is real and growing!
2004 is coming.
Date: 05-08-2001 on 06:35 a.m.
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since: 05-08-2001
3. Re:NY Times article
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Crockett is right about growing outrage. I've about had it!!
Two issues to discuss- One: China. Why is Bush dead set on goading China into a war? For the past three or four weeks he has mentioned something about China (of course in a derrogatory manner) no matter where he's speaking or what the topic. Issue Two: Bush's "energy crisis". Has there been some population explosion or vast, overnight multiplication of automobiles in this country in the 100 days this joker has been in office? Of course not. Why then are Bush/Cheney yammering on and on about a fuel shortage, about it being "naive" to expect conservation to work, and about how, to preserve our way of life, we must "develop new domestic sources" for oil and gas? They don't even make a token effort to hide their motives. Cheney made 36 MILLION DOLLARS last year from his hard work at BIG OIL CORP. (all the while running a full-time presidential campaign). Is there any doubt about what's going on here?

I'd say "outrage" is an understatement.

Date: 05-08-2001 on 11:24 a.m.
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since: 05-08-2001
4. Re:NY Times article
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last updated at 05-10-2001 02:57 p.m. (1 times)

Crockett (05-08-2001 06:35 a.m.):
These insights are revealing. I am in frequent contact with many Austrians. They simply cannot understand how a guy who gets less votes can gain public office. They do not understand why the public here is not protesting massively in the streets against our never- elected Resident! I am having the same trouble understanding the public lack of outrage. In the Democratic Party, the outrage is real and growing!

There is no out rage because most Americans are lazy. All they care about is that they have a job, their TV with remote to sit in front of, maybe their beer, girlfriend/wife, bills payed, car in the garage, the weather will be sunny tomorrow, their 401K and other investments. These are probably the only things that are on the radar screens of most Americans. It also seems that there is an attitude that someone else will fix the problem for them. Maybe these people need a reality check; perhaps having it hit them right in the face. Did I leave anything out?

Date: 05-10-2001 on 02:53 p.m.
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since: 05-04-2001
5. Easy does it...
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No, you did not leave anything out. Being naturalized citizen, born and raised in Europe, I've noticed, that Americans definitely lost their fighting spirit. At this point, I don't know what it would take to move someone, when s/he has the little conveniences of life (job, life partner, sixpack and pizza). Americans want everything served to them on a platter. Not necessarily silver, plastic will do. Disposable even better. Instant success, instant gratification. Not too much effort. If it takes effort, it is probably not worth it.

And this way, we are where we are, and if something drastic does not happen, we will be stuck here forever.

Ms. Malgoska
Date: 05-11-2001 on 11:44 a.m.
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since: 05-08-2001
6. Re:NY Times article
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texas demo (05-10-2001 02:57 p.m.):

Crockett (05-08-2001 06:35 a.m.):
These insights are revealing. I am in frequent contact with many Austrians. They simply cannot understand how a guy who gets less votes can gain public office. They do not understand why the public here is not protesting massively in the streets against our never- elected Resident! I am having the same trouble understanding the public lack of outrage. In the Democratic Party, the outrage is real and growing!

There is no out rage because most Americans are lazy. All they care about is that they have a job, their TV with remote to sit in front of, maybe their beer, girlfriend/wife, bills payed, car in the garage, the weather will be sunny tomorrow, their 401K and other investments. These are probably the only things that are on the radar screens of most Americans. It also seems that there is an attitude that someone else will fix the problem for them. Maybe these people need a reality check; perhaps having it hit them right in the face. Did I leave anything out?

I should add though, I am, and was encouraged by the protests of the WTO in Seattle; known as the, "Battle in Seattle". The Northwest has been know to be a haven for those who support democratic values. I am really happy that the protests took place. I am also glad they follow WTO meetings worldwide. I wish more protests like Seattle took place elsewhere on other issues, like dubya's plan to cut emission standards, or his tax cut, or abandaning the Kyoto Protocol. We need more of what we saw in Seattle, and we need it now! So please people, get off your butts and do something!!!!

Date: 05-12-2001 on 03:32 a.m.
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since: 06-03-2001
7. Re:NY Times article
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apathy is the major problem in politics today at every level,but in defense of some seroius activists the right wing media has not been reporting much either and the bushies s.service is keeping protesters blocks away from shrub and the media...what about the right to peaceful assembly?where has it gone? our rights are being eroded by massive safety concerns....rather overzealous concerns i might add.i wish we had some radical dems writing newspaper articles that we could get in the mainstream media..ummmm who could do that for us?
Date: 06-13-2001 on 08:56 p.m.
NY Times article
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