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Thoughts on Bush's Global Warming and missle defense policies
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since: 07-21-2001
1. Thoughts on Bush's Global Warming and missle defense policies
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When I watched the new this morning, once again I was astounded by the stupidity of Dubya. The way he is acting on the world is disgraceful. Instead of trying to come together with the Europeans and halt Global Warming, Bush continues to waltz like a fool. Secondly, about the missile shield: I heard that now the military has a 50% accuracy on the missile defense tests, but is 50% good enough to rely on in a crisis? I think not. I think a partial shield facing Asia and maybe one in Europe to contain Iraq is a good idea, but I don't think it is worth it if we must sacrifice every single ally in the process. Bush has begun tearing apart our historically Atlantic Alliance with European countries, yet no one stops him. Let us hope that Bush reconsiders before he causes irrepareable harm to internations relations.

"With the Truth on our side, what need have we for lies"-S.W.

2004 is almost here
Date: 07-24-2001 on 03:08 p.m.
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since: 05-04-2001
2. Re:Thoughts on Bush's Global Warming and missle defense policies
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In my humble opinion, dubya does not believe in global warming. He can't find it in the bible, therefore it does not exist. I guess it would be too much to expect of dubya, to consider that bible was written before fossil fuels were discovered, before the internal combustion engine was invented, and before the industrial era has begun.

The missile shield, with its 50% accuracy, is just another faith based initiative by conservative repukes. "Let's build a missile shield. We hire awful lot of our buddies, let them make awful lot of money, and we will have faith that the shield works. If the need arises, in the first place. And that our allies will get ticked off? Well - who cares."

By the way, dubya does not consider or reconsider. He is being handled. Sometimes more aptly, sometimes clumsily. He is just too limited to recognize the harm he is doing, and those who handle him, make money on his screwing up wherever he goes. And that is, so far, the most important thing.

Ms. Malgoska
"Go home, dubya. Your village called. They're missing their idiot."
Date: 07-24-2001 on 10:08 p.m.
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since: 07-06-2001
3. Re:Thoughts on Bush's Global Warming and missle defense policies
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roosevelt said we have nothing to fear but fear itself
eisenhower said.. "we have a great deal to fear from the defense industry".....and didnt we try all this stuff once before.umm was it reagan?huge defense spending huge tax cut and a VERY LARGE NATIONAL DEBT//THAT MY SON MAY END UP PAYING FOR

Date: 07-25-2001 on 11:57 p.m.
Thoughts on Bush's Global Warming and missle defense policies
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