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Republican foreign policy and the world's poor
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Crockett  Moderator
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posts: 4267
since: 03-20-2001
1. Republican foreign policy and the world's poor
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The Bush Administration has shown precious little Christian charity in dealing with our American poor. Will they do better at the international level? I have serious doubts. I think the same pro-Big Business viewpoint that dominates domestic policy will do the same with our international policies under Resident Bush. I think that if we cannot move domestically to help with workplace repetitive motion injuries, provide a clean healthy environment, combat global warming or generally put the national good ahead of the interests that fund the Republican Party we will make no progress in helping the unfortunate of the world. The Republicans want to pay lip service to Christian concerns but where is it in action both domestically and internationally. Why not some real compassion in our foreign policy?
2004 is coming.
Date: 07-21-2001 on 09:09 a.m.
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posts: 573
since: 07-06-2001
2. Re:Republican foreign policy and the world's poor
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last updated at 08-06-2001 10:27 p.m. (2 times)
good point the repugs always want to say the are
the rightgous ones but in fact and deeds they are far from it..what religion would oppress people?
what religion would kill people [texas/bush/ 142]
..we are supposed to feed the hungry, free the imprisoned...lift up the oppressed..have repugs been doing all these things? they are the oppressers and killers and the repugs are always claiming to be tough on crime by imprisoning 100's of thousands of people for drug offenses has the drug trade stopped did they catch?
the big drug dealers no.. they put drug users in prisons not drug dealers..i see no biblical values at all in the republican party....only hate and oppression did jesus teach hate and oppression or love and it any wonder the rest of the world mocks us..we judge chinas human rights record but what is our record?..2nd place among those who excute their own citzens?..china #1..7th place in prison population
how many countries imprison children like the U.S does?how many kill young retarded children?our own human rights record is horrible..again i see no values in the republican party at all...

Date: 07-30-2001 on 10:07 a.m.
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since: 07-27-2001
3. Re:Republican foreign policy and the world's poor
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theyrwrong (08-06-2001 10:27 p.m.):
..what religion would oppress people?
what religion would kill people ...


Unfortunately, a month later your question has been answered.


Date: 09-18-2001 on 12:02 p.m.
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posts: 573
since: 07-06-2001
4. Re:Republican foreign policy and the world's poor
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let me add another what religion would promote hate?
mmmmm.....we even have some here in america too
pat robertson jerry falwell?blaming democrtas or liberals?..geeezzz

Date: 09-21-2001 on 12:31 a.m.
Republican foreign policy and the world's poor
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