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China detaining our soldiers
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Crockett  Moderator
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posts: 3583
since: 03-20-2001
1. China detaining our soldiers
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While the attitude of the Bush Administration before and immediately after the accident seems to have turned a small incident into a major crisis where are soldiers are being held hostage, it is now important for ALL AMERICANS to pull together to get our people home safely! If they are not returned within days, the average American citizen should start boycotting Chinese products.
2004 is coming.
Date: 04-10-2001 on 04:25 p.m.
Crockett  Moderator
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posts: 3583
since: 03-20-2001
2. Re:China detaining our soldiers
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I am delighted that we have our soldiers home safety! I feel we can now really start examining the role that Bush's anti-Chinese rhetoric played in creating the climate that eventually led to the crisis. It is stupid for the American government to create a hostile climate regarding the Chinese. In the 21st Century, China and the USA will be the great world powers both economically and militarily. Clinton and Gore were able to maintain a positive relationship between our nations. Bush seems to need a Foreign enemy to distract the American public from his terrible domestic policies and his Supreme Court selected status.
2004 is coming.
Date: 04-14-2001 on 08:41 a.m.
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posts: 231
since: 05-04-2001
3. Re:China detaining our soldiers
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Crockett (04-10-2001 04:25 p.m.):
......the average American citizen should start boycotting Chinese products.

you say. Well, I looked around, and I really hate to break it to you this way: if the average American citizen started boycotting Chinese products, the citizen would go naked and barefoot. Also, the citizen would have to make it do without the most basic household appliances, because they , or their components, are made in China. Goodbye computers, because - just like the appliances I mention - they are made in part or whole, in China. The citizen would commute per pedes, as cars or some of their components... keep going or quit?

Even the very keyboard I am using to type this post, is made in China.

My daughter, who is in the Army, just told me that they will not get their new black berets, because China is holding the shipment...

If there are any questions:yes, most military uniforms, boots, even weapons or their components are made in China.

USA relies so heavily on Chinese made products, that today there is no escape from average American citizen to do without them, or else the citizen would be depraved of most basic things in life.

Why did we move most of American industry to China? Now, if they hold ALL the shipments...

And yes, I am glad that the soldiers are back home. No thanks to dubya.

Ms. Malgoska
Date: 05-06-2001 on 11:30 p.m.
China detaining our soldiers
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