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Rant: A Leap Forward
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Al  Moderator
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posts: 106
since: 03-24-2001
1. Rant: A Leap Forward
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Oil,Black Gold. Texas Tea. As the Beverly Hillbillies theme went Oil is the commodity that fuels the modern world. America's thirst for it and consumption of it dwarfes any nation's needs or resources. For decades oil companies and US and foriegn governments have propped up one despot after another simply to insure that the oil keeps flowing. The atrocities, deaths, wars, covert operations, overthrows that have ravaged the Middle East and S. America for oil are too numerous for this rant. But it does bring me to this current war with Iraq. This war had nothing to do with Iraqi international terrorism or WMD's, as we"ve all witnessed. That was and sadly still is, propaganda. Pure. Plain and simple. Right in your face lies, from the President to the congress to your television screen. Then why invade Iraq? 3 choices left. Iraqi oil? Revenge? Or both? Oil is the reason, with revenge as a bonus for papa Bush for not overthrowing Saddam in 91. Remember Iraq has the 2nd largest known oil reserves on the planet. Right behind our "pals" the Saudi's. And please don't tell me we invaded because Saddam was such a despotic tyrant that the world cried out for his overthrow. Comparatively, look at atrocities in Africa over the last 25yrs. Millions killed at the hands of despotic tyrants. If that were the case, Africa should be teaming with liberating US G.I.'s. But it's not is it? It's the oil. You know, we should rename the US Energy Dept. to the US Oil Dept. State Dept. too. The "State of Oil Dept".
Oh sure, we get to fill our gas tanks and stay warm in our houses. But the costs to our soldiers who are dying for Iraqi oil and to our democracy because of the almost overwhelming power of our reliance on oil and it's by-products for modern life has now made the US Govt. a puppet to secure oil co. profits for the future. I don't know about you but I didn't vote for that!
Oil and our need for it will be around for many years to come. However, renewable, alternative energy technologie shave been working out the kinks for the last 20-30yrs trying to make a sellable product.
In America's lifetime, our nation has taken many bold leaps forward. Inventing then embracing new technologies and achievments. Flight, space travel. Feeding millions with new agricultural technologies. electricity, automobiles, computers.
Making life better for more people than has ever been possible before. We were the light of world. Leading the way in freedoms of our citizenry, education,technology. I believe, it's time again to take a leap forward and end the corruption and dependence that oil and our lust for it has brought us. Those new technologies we've been hearing about but have not been utilized are ready for the "big show" (the American consumer). Of course it won't happen overnight. But with a big push from the US Govt. our oil consumption could be cut in half or more in just 10yrs. Invest in these new technologies with the same amount of money as we've spent just on this war with Iraq and her reconstruction(approaching 200 billion $). It would transform our country in ways we haven't seen since the airplane was invented 100yrs ago. New jobs would be created for millions of American worker's. These goals are achievable. We've done it before. It's time to do it again. Rant over.

Al Lawrence
Date: 12-11-2003 on 08:50 p.m.
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since: 05-08-2001
2. Re:Rant: A Leap Forward
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last updated at 12-12-2003 02:48 a.m. (1 times)
During this election, one candidate I know who has called for utilizing renewable energy for our country is Howard Dean. Now granted, other candidates may have addressed the need for renewable energy sources, but I feel Dean has plainly stated his intention(as President) is to utilize this source of energy--not the greenhouse crap that is melting our polar caps(NPR did a story on this topic today). Countries within the nothern hemisphere are witnessing a decline in the polar ice more and more. And its a shame this administration is so bass-akwards when it comes to our energy-environmental needs. It would be a cold day in hell before this bozo would consider such. We need clear leadership on this issue and we need it now. One more reason to work your ass off to get this squatter out next year.

"I would have to ask the questioner. I haven't had a chance to ask the questioners the questions they've been questioning". The Resident- Jan.8 2001
Date: 12-12-2003 on 02:45 a.m.
Rant: A Leap Forward
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