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REPUBLICAN 2004 STRATEGY UNCOVERED, Democrats to be smeared as unpatriotic, hateful, and weak. Clinton to be blamed for 9/11
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posts: 144
since: 03-10-2003
1. REPUBLICAN 2004 STRATEGY UNCOVERED, Democrats to be smeared as unpatriotic, hateful, and weak. Clinton to be blamed for 9/11
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last updated at 11-15-2003 12:39 p.m. (1 times)
The Wednesday 12 November edition of the Boston Globe carried a story titled, "GOP Will Trumpet Preemption Doctrine." The story centered around a memo recently prepared by Republican National Committee chairman Ed Gillespie which was disbursed widely throughout the party apparatus. In the memo, the newest GOP strategy was outlined, and talking points were provided. The Globe article states:

The strategy will involve the dismissal of Democrats as the party of "protests, pessimism and political hate speech," Ed Gillespie, Republican National Committee chairman, wrote in a recent memo to party officials -- a move designed to shift attention toward Bush's broader foreign policy objectives rather than the accounts of bloodshed. Republicans hope to convince voters that Democrats are too indecisive and faint-hearted -- and perhaps unpatriotic -- to protect US interests, arguing that inaction during the Clinton years led to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

mike kohr
Date: 11-15-2003 on 12:37 p.m.
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posts: 926
since: 05-08-2001
2. Re:REPUBLICAN 2004 STRATEGY UNCOVERED, Democrats to be smeared as unpatriotic, hateful, and weak. Clinton to be blamed for 9/11
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You have to keep in mind how filthy, dirty these neo-cons are. They could have purposely let this out to see if anyone would actually use it. They also could have released it as ploy: get you to thnk one way when they really intend to think another. But then again, it could be real. Just remember, its a game of who can outsmart who. And this is one of the tactics they use.
"I would have to ask the questioner. I haven't had a chance to ask the questioners the questions they've been questioning". The Resident- Jan.8 2001
Date: 11-16-2003 on 01:23 a.m.
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since: 03-10-2003
3. Re:REPUBLICAN 2004 STRATEGY UNCOVERED, Democrats to be smeared as unpatriotic, hateful, and weak. Clinton to be blamed for 9/11
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The first Bush campaign ads are airing in our local T.V. market (Illinois/Iowa). The ads are heavy on patriotism, play heavily on 9/11, all National Defense, all fear, all the time.
mike kohr
Date: 11-22-2003 on 09:07 p.m.
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posts: 926
since: 05-08-2001
4. Re:REPUBLICAN 2004 STRATEGY UNCOVERED, Democrats to be smeared as unpatriotic, hateful, and weak. Clinton to be blamed for 9/11
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I hope the ad included the fact that the Resident is blocking the 9/11 investigation.
"I would have to ask the questioner. I haven't had a chance to ask the questioners the questions they've been questioning". The Resident- Jan.8 2001
Date: 11-24-2003 on 03:12 a.m.
REPUBLICAN 2004 STRATEGY UNCOVERED, Democrats to be smeared as unpatriotic, hateful, and weak. Clinton to be blamed for 9/11
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