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Another War Hero Smeared By Republican Dirty Tricks Squad, the politics of personel destruction.
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since: 03-10-2003
1. Another War Hero Smeared By Republican Dirty Tricks Squad, the politics of personel destruction.
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last updated at 10-24-2003 12:05 p.m. (2 times)
In another example of what has become a predictable pattern of the politics of personel destruction by innuendo and unfounded accusation, supporters of George W. Bush, a deserter (circa 1972-1973), have engaged in a smear campaign against yet another decorated war hero.
After denigrating prisoner of war, John McCain, as "nuts," and Max Cleland, a Vietnam War vet that left three of his limbs on the battlefield as unpatriotic and "soft on national defense," the Republican Dirty Tricks squad has set it's sights on the character of John Kerry, a Vietnam vet, winner of the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart.

_BushRove 'Dirt Squad' Caught Digging at John Kerry's Home

"Operatives of the Bush/Cheney campaign identifying themselves only as 'supporters of the Resident' approached several local workmen to ask if they had done any work at the Kerry/Heinz home. In one case the Bush operative said,' I understand they party a lot there'... Asked what a lot of partying meant the Bush operative mentioned drugs... 'I have long believed that if the Bush crowd could not get the Resident reelected on his merits of which there are none, they would fall back on character assignation. This isn't new. One of the Right's tactics if their candidates are in trouble is to get what they call '5-10% dirt votes' to win. It's not just presidential races. If a GOP Senator or House member can't get enough votes to win outright the 'dirt squad' provides the margin with often made up dirt on the opponent,' said bb.c editor Bob Beckel. We at bb.c urge all progressive candidates to contact us if they have any evidence that the GOP dirt squad is at work in the campaign. "


mike kohr
Date: 10-19-2003 on 10:59 a.m.
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2. Re:Another War Hero Smeared By Republican Dirty Tricks Squad, the politics of personel destruction.
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This is one reason the scumbags at Rove and Associates want Dr. Dean to win the demo nomination. they feely that they can throw everything at him and win. I can just picture what some of the names are they would call him if he wins nomination. Just imagine the ad for duffus against Dean referencing his approval of marriage unions. I don't think I need to mention what the slang words that would be used in such an ad. This administration makes me want to throw at at what they represent.
"I would have to ask the questioner. I haven't had a chance to ask the questioners the questions they've been questioning". The Resident- Jan.8 2001
Date: 10-19-2003 on 11:24 p.m.
Another War Hero Smeared By Republican Dirty Tricks Squad, the politics of personel destruction.
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