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Sen. Kerry's zinger
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Al  Moderator
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since: 03-24-2001
1. Sen. Kerry's zinger
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last updated at 10-10-2003 10:43 p.m. (1 times)
which aired this morning on CNN went something like this. Sen. Kerry was speaking at a recent forum and a woman who looked to be 30ish asked and I quote " how could "I" get cheaper prescription drugs"? Kerry responded without missing a beat.
"you could ask Rush Limbaugh"s housekeeper"
Speaking of Rush. It's been reported that Rush was taking 30 oxycontins per day, a heroin like drug. I talked with two local pharmacists about the effects of dosages that high and they both said the average dose of 1 40mg. tablet every 6 hours over a period of 2-3 weeks can lead to addiction. Rush is alleged to have taken 10 times that amount every day for the last 5 yrs.
Hardcore abusers of oxycontin and other painkillers experience frequent delusions, anger, depression and many other very unpleasant side effects not to mention the dependancy and the risk in acquiring them illegally.
Apparently Rush is going to go into re-hab for 30 days. Afterwhich of course he"ll be completely cured and will have been reborn into who knows what.
How can any rational person believe anything this man has said in the last 5yrs? I know most Republicans are'nt rational. The Resident still defends Rush "I think Rush Limbaugh is a great American" he was quoted as saying today. Talk about delusional.

Al Lawrence
Date: 10-10-2003 on 09:34 p.m.
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since: 05-08-2001
2. Re:Sen. Kerry's zinger
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I believe his real name is, "Rush Limpbutt".
"I would have to ask the questioner. I haven't had a chance to ask the questioners the questions they've been questioning". The Resident- Jan.8 2001
Date: 10-12-2003 on 02:06 a.m.
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since: 03-10-2003
3. Re:Sen. Kerry's zinger
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last updated at 10-12-2003 12:29 p.m. (1 times)
More than any other single individual, Rush Limbaugh, has helped shape and keep the base of the Republican Party motivated, focused, and "on message."
Not-with-standing the fact he has done this with bombastic, irresponsible race baiting rhetoric, half truths, outright lies and misinformation, we as Democrats must recognize his accomplishments, tainted and repugnet as they may be.
We need, America needs, a viable counterweight to the right-wing monolith of conservative hate radio.
Keep up the good fight Stephan and Al. America needs you now more than ever.


mike kohr
Date: 10-12-2003 on 12:27 p.m.
Sen. Kerry's zinger
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