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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Isaac "ZAC" Wright March 20, 2002 Contact: 865-607-9432 |
TENNESSEE FEDERATION OF COLLEGE DEMOCRATS ANNOUNCE "TENNESSEE IMPACT '02" CAMPAIGN NASHVILLE (March 20, 2002) –– In an electronic conference with college democrats statewide, the Tennessee Federation of College Democrats unveiled its strategy to rally college students across Tennessee to work for and elect the Democratic candidates of Tennessee in 2002 elections. "I am excited about the plans we've made and the team we have put together to rally College Democrats all over Tennessee in 2002 to take back Tennessee," TFCD President Bryan Hartmann said. With approaching primaries in May and August and elections in August and November, TFCD leadership is focusing on races on the city, county, state and federal level. "This is our chance to win back the governor's office and a U.S. Senate seat for the Democratic Party and the people of Tennessee," Zac Wright, TFCD vice president for communications said. "We are going to shore up our Democratic leadership in the state legislature, take the reins of the U.S. House delegation and put Democrats in county and city offices statewide." The first of three major goals of the campaign is to mobilize a grass roots effort for getting out the vote on college campuses statewide. "College students are traditionally a solidly Democratic voting block," TFCD Vice President for Membership Bart Pickett said. The second goal is to energize students to actively work, intern and volunteer on races for all levels of office statewide. The third goal is to generate positive media coverage for Democratic candidates. To join the TFCD Tennessee Impact '02 campaign or line up campaign efforts for your 2002 race or a race near you, contact Zac Wright at 865-546-9609 or at . To contribute or make donations to the TFCD Tennessee Impact '02 campaign, contact Jay Prather at 615-421-5862 or at . |
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